Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Recipe: Coconut Creme Brulee

Coconut Crème Brulee (Carton House Recipe)
Serves 6

1 Vanilla pod
400ml cream
150g Castor sugar
8 Egg yolks
4 tbsp. caster sugar

1.     Preheat oven to 90 degrees
2.     Split the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds
3.     Place the seeds, cream and coconut milk in a saucepan
4.     Boil for two minutes and then remove from heat
5.     Cover the saucepan with Clingfilm and leave to infuse for 30 minutes
6.     When the mix is infused return to the heat and bring to boil
7.     Whisk together the egg yolks and castor sugar until pale white, when the cream mixture is boiling pour it on to the egg mixture
8.     Stir until the sugar is dissolved and then pass through a strainer to remove any lumps
9.     Pour the mix into 6 ramekins and place on the baking sheet in the centre of the oven.
10.  Cook for approximately 50-60 minutes until the centre is set
11.  Chill in the fridge for 2 hours
12.  To finish off, sprinkle the sugar over the top and put under a really hot grill.

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